Managing a reputation is essential for businesses in this day and age. The internet has transformed the way we communicate and influence public opinion, and businesses are spending tens of thousands of dollars every month on reputation management. Public opinion is no longer shaped by word-of-mouth, but by reviews posted on social media and Google. These reviews can have a dramatic effect on the public’s perception of a business. Google accounts for almost 60% of all online reviews for brick-and-mortar businesses. More Info :
How does it work for a online reputation management?
Online reputation management requires monitoring several platforms, and involves a number of proactive and reactive actions. In addition to analyzing review sites and search engine results, companies should open direct lines of communication with customers and employees. This allows them to respond to negative reviews and other issues as they happen. Some companies even hire an agency to monitor their online reputation.
Customer feedback is crucial to reputation management, as customers tend to trust brands they like and trust. Even if a brand is expensive, customers will stick with a company that they trust. A recent study in Harvard Business Review showed that 64% of customers attribute their loyalty to shared values, as opposed to price. This means that negative publicity can significantly impact the long-term relationship between a company and a customer. However, good reputation management can minimize the damage and minimize the chance of customer relationships breaking down.
Blogging is an effective way to add positive content online. It is important to update your blog daily or even weekly. Blogging on industry-specific blogs can help change how your target market perceives your business. While some companies pay people to post positive reviews on review sites, it is important to remember that real reviews are always better than fake reviews.